A 30-day, step-by-step program to treat your knee pain in just 10 minutes per day, from the comfort of your own home.
Never again need expensive chiropractors, massage therapy or even physical therapy.
You’ll discover exactly how to use every movement, as I guide you while my assistant demonstrates. I’ll show you how to know WHEN to use each movement, HOW to perform each movement and HOW LONG to hold each movement, all with ZERO GUESSWORK.
You’ll learn the ONE thing you can use in the morning which releases your knees troubled pressure points and keeps you pain-free throughout the day.
Discover a few simple tweaks which will keep your knees, legs and lower back in perfect alignment for a pain free day. (The best part: no one will even notice you’re doing it!)
And much, much more…
Your purchase is risk-free thanks to our
30 Day No Questions Asked Guarantee
Bulletproofs muscles in front of the leg to prevent any future dislocations or tears
Stabilize the inner and outer thigh while flushing away inflamation
Frees trapped nerves of the knee while extinguishing pain
Strengthens knee cap and supporting structures
Conditions muscles in back of the leg to prevent any future dislocations or tears.
Relaxes stiff muscles around the knee while flushing out built up inflammation
Learn and avoid the “pain traps” and “pain postures” to become pain-free for life
Release blockages and restores your full range of motion in your legs
Use the tests and learn exactly what your knee require for immediate pain relief
There is a way out, and it’s not something you’ll find in the doctor's office.
If you follow the trends, you’ll see the path you’ll soon be taking if take the “traditional” health care route.
Just look...
Approximately 700,000 knee replacement procedures are performed annually in the US.
Total knee replacement in the United States more than doubled in less then a 10 year period. And it’s continuing to rise…
This number is projected to increase to 3.48 million procedures per year by 2030.
Remember hospitals are a huge business…
If you just follow the money you can see why these dangerous procedures are on the rise.
During the same 10-year period where total knee replacements doubled, hospitalization charges for knee replacements have more than quadrupled!
And yet researchers are the University of Bristol found that 30% of people who had a knee replacement showed no clinically or statistically significant functional improvement.
So when that isn’t working, what do you think these health care providers are telling the patients to do?
They say, “here’s a prescription, now go to the pharmacy”.
In a recent peer reviewed survey from the Department of Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh…
51.4% are taking at least one analgesic...
About 10% are taking highly addictive opioids….
And still 19.3% “had inadequate pain control”...
...meaning the dangerous daily medications aren’t helping.
And, as you are well aware, these drugs come with a large list of side effects.
New studies show that we can’t just focus on the pain in the knee, we need to focus on the whole person.
Just look, several studies have been conducted showing those with patellofemoral pain (pain coming from damaged cartilage under the kneecap) often have substantially less strength in muscle which supports their knees and legs..
Up to 27% less strength in hip abduction...
Up to 36% less strength in external rotation...
Up to 52% less strength in hip extension...
And this is the same for patients with osteoarthritis of the knee…
A recent study showed patients have a 16% reduction in strength from the hip extensors and up to a 27% strength reduction in hip external rotators.
What if you improved the strength and stabilized those muscles; do you think the pain would disappear? - Science says yes it would!
Plenty of new studies show that specific movements designed for knee pain can get patients out of pain FAST.
The University of Southern Denmark recently did a huge independent study with 10,000 participants where they used movements similar to the Knee Pain Breakthrough…
...And only after using the movements twice a week they had a 25% reduction in pain.
Imagine how much pain could be relieved if they did this every single day!
You’ve probably never been told that a few movements a day can get you out of pain for good.
And that is because, most health care practitioners haven’t obsessively read through all the most up-to-date practices and peer reviewed scientific literature.
Heck, most of them haven’t even picked up a textbook since they were in college…
...They do what they’re told; specifically make more money by taking as many patients as possible, and write as many prescriptions as possible.
Instead, for the first time, I want to show you the methods which have helped release the pain, restore the range of motion and strength the knees of over 7,000 of my own patients...
The first step to relieving pain is to release the trapped nerves and remove the restrictive muscular blockages. In just a few quick movements you can dissolve tension, flush away inflammation and extinguish the pain immediately. All you have to do is perform about 5 minutes of movements in the morning, 1-2 minutes of relaxing movements a few times throughout the day, and 5 minutes of movements before bed. This protocol alone is the reason my patients see such rapid, pain free results.
Little by little your body becomes “stuck” in what I call “pain postures”. These are things like the “flamingo legs” where your knee cap buckles and remains stiff all day long. These all happen gradually to compensate for your knee pain and your lifestyle. To get out of pain permanently, use an easy combination of movements for 3 minutes, and ensure your knees will never buckle, twist, or tear.
The reason my patients stay out of pain permanently is because I teach them movements which condition there knee to prevent any future injury. After the 30 days, you’ll have the knees integrity of a healthy 20-year-old athlete. Your knees will be bulletproofed, and your never have to worry about pain creeping up on you again.
Here’s What You’ll Get Instant Access To Today…
My step-by-step 30-Day knee pain treatment which you can use in as little as 10 minutes per day, and from the comfort of your own home. Zero equipment needed!
You’ll discover exactly how to use every movement, as I guide you while my assistant demonstrates. I’ll show you how to know WHEN to use each movement, HOW to perform each movement and HOW LONG to hold each movement, all with ZERO GUESSWORK.
Does your pain flare up when you’re bending down, or standing for too long? I’ll show you one simple tweak which will keep your knees stable for a pain free day. (The best part: no one will even notice you’re doing it!)
You’ll discover my #1 technique you can use every morning, which will unleash the tension you built up while sleeping (If your knee pain has been making it difficult to walk in the morning, this will be one of the most important movements you ever learn).
Use my simple 30-second test which determines your exact knee pain type. This way whether you're a trained athlete, or a sweetheart grandmother you’ll be able to customize your treatment for rapid results.
You’ll learn the one 30-second movement you can use throughout the day which re-aligns your knees, relaxes your back, and flushes away inflammation. This way, you can release any built up stress and keep the pain away all day long.
Sign up for the Knee Pain Breakthrough program today. Watch the video masterclass, and try out all of the movements. And if by the end of 30-days, you aren’t COMPLETELY pain-free, then let me know and I’ll give you an unconditional, no-questions-asked refund. Simple as that.